Land register and Cadastre

  • Roel Nekretnine by Roel Nekretnine
  • 2 years ago

Through the Ministry of Justice and State Geodetic Administration, the Croatian Government initiated in 2003 the Real Property Registration and Cadastre National Program, abbreviated as “Organized Land” under which the Real Property Registration and Cadastre Joint Information System (JIS) was developed.

The program has accelerated the real property registration in the cadastral and land registry system and has increased the level of legal security in real property transactions. Additionally, both systems have been streamlined and business processes simplified while the customer relations have improved through the introduction of electronic services, which has led to improved speed and quality of service provision.

The cadastre and land registry system modernisation has enabled faster and simplified procedures of registering real properties and associated titles whereas the cadastre and land registry information is available electronically 24/7.

The Real Property Registration and Cadastre Joint Information System (JIS) has been developed or rather a unified database and application for keeping and maintaining the real property registration and cadastre data have been established.

The JIS establishment has led to the creation of a unified register for the cadastre and land registers in which the systems are interlinked and exchange real property data. In simplified terms, a unified database and application bringing numerous benefits to the users have been established to keep and maintain the cadastre and land registry data. Apart from the time, needed to access the data and make a registration, being significantly reduced, the citizens are today able to see at one place the ownership structure of a real property and its location in space as well as numerous other functionalities.
One part of the JIS is „One-Stop-Shop“ (OSS) – a single service point for accessing land registry and cadastre data.

Online services

Cadastral data browser
Cadastral data browser used for providing access to the central database of the existing RoC cadastral data
Z-case status check
Access to a case is possible by selecting the municipal court and the case designation and entering the serial number and year of the case.
Land register browser
Access to the central database of the municipal court land registry offices in the Republic of Croatia

Source: Ministry of Justice and State Geodetic Administration

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